Saturday, July 12, 2008


Introduction Week 1 Thing 2
Taking responsibility for my own learning is probably the easiest one for me. I finally accepted that for some people good grades come pretty easily. For me, I have worked very hard for each and every good grade earned. I used to think how unfair. It is what it is...
As I increase credits and change lanes, I often get a chuckle of the fun classes I take, get credit for and help give me a larger paycheck.
To my way of thinking there is so many positive strokes for taking responsibility for my learning. How I set up the learning time, what I want to learn, who I learn it with, where to find the answers and who to share the learning with or not, are choices to the learning process that I often get to make.

I think Play is the hardest habit to do. Especially after having a child. I wonder if I have increased my expectations on myself. It feels there is more to do and less time to do it. Maybe time is going faster than when I was younger.

1 comment:

Raven About Web 2.0 Team said...

Welcome on board. I hope you'll find this class a nice combination of work and play. Many of us are having trouble limiting the play in fact, there are so many fun things to try and new tools to investigate. Enjoy!
