Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Week 3, #5, Flickr

The past two years, my sixth graders have been introduced to bighugelabs website. They saw a lot of potential for this. Last year's sixth graders used magazine cover for one of their Newberry Medal Winner unbookreports. Students learned all pixels are not created equal.
Originally when I viewed Flickr, I was thinking this is a great way for family to share photos with each other. So, more at a personal level rather than at an educational/library level.
There are some fantastic photographers out in the world.
A plan is forming in my head to explore flickr more. As posted by others this is a lot of fun.
The other thing I liked about this website is it takes the difficulty out of some of the projects. For example, a magazine cover, trading cards or a poster.


Raven About Web 2.0 Team said...

It does really take a lot of the fuss and muss out of these kinds of projects so you can focus more on the writing piece of it. I enjoy BHL a lot, but I don't do a whole lot with Flickr myself. I do use the creative commons search to find pictures I can use with various projects.


Katie said...

As we talk about copyright compliance with staff and students in our district we're telling everyone about searching Flickr with the advanced search, selecting the Creative Commons option. Pretty slick. Nice to know the option is there.