Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Week 5 thing #11

At first, I went and looked at all the sites choices. This was a little overwhelming. So, I chose the short list.
Some of the choices I knew about and use. I love Pandora. It is a neat concept. I like being able to chose the genre of music I feel like listening too. I also like the idea of hearing unknown musicians. This site has a ton of old stuff. Ya know from the '80's.
Ann Morgester has shown me several of the choices found on the short list:
Del.icio.us and Flickr.
Craigslist is addicting... I love your junk and it will look so good in my house.
Delicious is wonderful.
I thought the food choices could have been better. Food network does such a great job.
Some choices can not be seen on our school filter.
Naming something that one has a piece of themselves in is daunting at best. I love the names people have come up with to grab our attention.
Games sites are hit and miss. Some are caught in the filter and some can be played on our school computers until the filter people detect it or someone tells.
I liked this site.

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