Friday, July 10, 2009


I chose Chapter 10 Tutorials because I was hoping the authors might have an insight to these tutorials the students and I in Raven About Web 2.0 haven't already learned.
I must be in a negative mood but I find some of the web 2.0 offerings limiting. Zoho Writer is close to Microsoft Word but doesn't necessarily offer all the features I have grown accustomed too.
I will say in its defense the nature of a group of people working on a single document rather than copies of one is time consuming and highly productive. I have as yet used google docs.
Same goes for the web-based spreadsheet Num Sum. One question I have for all web based products is how secure are they really?
Tux Paint was exciting. I love working on Kid Pix. I took a Kid Pix class at summer academy last year and wanted to delve deeper into this very kid friendly product. Tux Paint is a simpler version of Kid Pix.

I knew nothing about Audacity. I have had friends send me WAV sound files in my email and could not open it up. Audacity may do the trick. Quicktime has not. I plan to fool around this website and make a podcast.
RSS feeds. LIke others before me, I have an account with google and so my RSS feeds go to their.
I love delicious. The one area I have had trouble with is following the directions and putting the logo on every computer I use. When Ann showed this site to me several years ago, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. It is wonderful having all my bookmarks in one easy location and accessible from anywhere. Due to Raven about Web 2.0, I learned about looking at others delicious bookmarks. It is cool people in the class have given their delicious account names.
Photo Story 3 for Windows is a little more cumbersome than IMovies is. it works.
I have been using Wikispaces for Educators for some time.
Class blogmeister is a new tool for me. I plan to use this with my sixth graders this year. Sixth graders have several book reports to do. Students are to post to the blog. I feel with Class blogmeister I will have more control of the students in this. My principal is always talking about safety and monitoring. I think this will fit her bill.
Google Earth is something I know very little about. I have used it to have my military students show me where they came from, places they have lived and Alaska now. There is more to Google Earth than this, but will need to hear from others and read more posts about their usage of Google Earth.
I am fascinated with Google SketchUp. I plan to take more time and learn about this neat tool from google.

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