Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 6 #13

I can not get into the Santa Cruz tutorial on Will have to do this at home. Tried some other searches to get on. Nothing happening. Wish this was on Teacher Tube. Finally watched it today. Great overview .
I have used as a way to hold my favorites. I have not used it to see what others are saving. I feel this tutorial gave me a reason to go look. As many librarians do, I am always on the lookout for great lesson ideas.

On to the next step of looking at SJLibraryLearning@'s. This looks like a gold mine for librarians. I can't wait to delve into it.
In the article: Friending Libraries: Why libraries can become nodes in people’s social networks. Several typo errors found. didn't explain node. I started getting frustrated that women were considered a fourth group. I just wasn't that impressed w/this article.
I will use this as a source to view what others are using for educational, librarianship class.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I hope you were able to eventually see the tutorial on One of the features I use most frequently is tagging a site to someone else's account. When I find a site I know one of our ITT's (instructional technology teacher) would find helpful I will tag it to them as well as with subject tags for my account. If you email me your name I'll be glad to send you some samples. We have a account for our district librarians to share websites and I tag sites to there frequently.