Saturday, April 25, 2009

Week 7, Thing # 16

I have been looking forward to this week for awhile.I was first introduced to Wiki's in the Summer School Library Class in 2007.
I find wiki's interesting. I like the idea this piece of technology can be private. It can be edited. People worry about wrong information. I find ownership of a document can be very territorial...
I went into Book Lover's Wiki from Princeton Public Library. This wiki was catagorized by genres and rating. I went to the five stars. I think I found my reading list this summer. All grownup books. One I had listened to on tape.
This idea of a book lover's list would be great for ASD librarians to do as a PR piece. Here's the idea. We could break up into our areas or stay a one bunch. We could catagorize by genre. We could actually have two lists. One of books we have read for kids and one for adults. Each librarian could write down a favorite book(s) read in the past or present. A list is made on paper. ASD publish it and we could put in newsletters, post around town at coffee shops, book stores and other stores that support this. This would be great to tack onto a public bathroom wall. We could also have past librarians, public librarians put into this. During the school year, this could be the library reading program. The information can be gathered at a quarterly meeting. I have this idea that more ideas would be gathered than sent off from the individual school library.
I went to Blogging Libraries Wiki. Under school libraries, I viewed elementary school. Not as many choices as middle or high school. Still a good site. I felt for the frustrations- an author coming and parents on cell phones not watching their children, not enough time to teach the essential library classes. I am sending in some of my ideas and empathizing w/others. Then awed at the inspirations. Teaching students about wiki environment, posting safely by looking up wacky facts from a variety of sources,
I read Bering Sea School District wiki. Thought it was Darla, but didn't know until someone posted to her. I loved reading Darla's wiki. She is really a prolific writer. I always enjoy talking with her. She is truly in front leading the way. I am glad she is part of the Bering Sea School District.
I like the idea of Wikis and their many uses.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Love your idea of a librarian book list either by genre and/or books for students and books for adults. Any time we get together the favorite activity is book sharing. Why not get it in print? Thanks