Thursday, June 18, 2009

Week 9 Thing #21

Podcasts. June 2009, Yahoo: What is a podcast tutorial is not available as of June 2009.I have wanted to learn to listen to Podcasts for some time. This is pretty exciting stuff for me!!
I listened to one podcast about Reader's Theater from Teacher Created Materials. It is really good and gave great examples between Reader's Theater and Choral Reading. I don't understand why it didn't download to iTunes. Instead it opened to Quick Time Player. After pigeon holing my son to a half hour block of time, he explained to me how to download to iTunes. It is not intuitive to me. I think the directions should be written down. Thank-God for the young who can explain to the older generation like moi.
Until recently, the last twenty minutes, I didn't get the hype on podcasting. After reading more on how or what it is and why it is important, I am jumping on the band wagon. Anything that gives Clearwire a run for their money and allows me to listen to whatever I want when I want is a extraordinary tool. The Educational implications are limitless;regardless of an age group one falls into.
The truth of the matter for me, is not everything works for podcasts. Some items of interest are better seen than just heard. I felt this when listening to the Reader's Theater podcast. I did agree w/ the writer that this type of work requires the voice to show emotion.
Once again, I am thankful this is summer and I have one more computer item to look more intensely at as well as jot down ideas to use in the library.
The other thought I have about Podcast is it is twofold. First there is the listening to them and second is to make them. The websites I looked at to tell the reader what a podcast is also goes in to describing how to make a podcast. Similar to voice threads, I think this would be accessible to work with K-primary grades on some kind of project.
One thing I love about podcasting is I have missed so many Fresh Airs w/Terri Gross on NPR. I can now catch up on all those terrific interviews she has done.

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